Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Seal Deal

Last night was the final (fingers crossed) Userlands trailer film shoot. It was the "complicated" scene that was supposed to involve me, a burlesque dancer, a phallic prosthetic that seals my mouth shut, and that sort of fun. The burlesque chick didn't show, of course, so we just went with the flow. It was fun, but I'm still exhausted. Having my mouth sealed shut with makeup for a couple of hours was a bitch. Praise to the actors/models who go through that. I was so pissed I couldn't smoke. These are Natasha Beste's photos of the shoot. I cannot lie: everyone loved having my mouth shut for me.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Move and Click

Beloved Adrienne, her hub Joe and my niece Persephone just moved back to New Orleans. At first I was not digging that. Everything they had was wiped out by Katrina. But I know that's HOME for my Dynomoose, so I'm happy she's getting to go where she wants. She better make it up here for Det. Userlands. I'd better make it down there.

Beloved Dave Hebb is doing three video installations for Userlands. The dude rules. He's also 85% sure he'll come to the event. Stellar. Photos of his work will follow soon.

This is just Click. Perciful Aloysius Beauregard Clicky.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


Stressed. Flu-ish. Dentist Tomorrow. Stills: Brandon Walley from Userlands project.


Saturday, January 13, 2007


Another nasty night with Weavie. When will this shit stop? Yeah, I'm having affairs all over the world while I'm either sitting at his house watching a couple of dogs die, or sitting in my apartment hoping the goals that I set and I'm finally realizing are more important than the stupid threads of my emotion. I don't know anyone who isn't pissed off right now. Maybe writing isn't the best idea. (Photo Credits to dear Auriel Willette)


Thursday, January 11, 2007

Starting Inbetween

The first image of me in bed with animation in the window behind me is another shot taken by Natasha Beste,during the filming of the trailer for "Userlands - New Fiction Writers from the Blogging Underground."
The second image is something I managed off of my phone. No big deal. But I'm trying to siphon my energy into some sort of writing, now that "Userlands" is done (except for the events, about which I shall vent sometime soon), and I'm waiting for "Act" to gasp for air a bit before we force it on the runway.


Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Userlands Film Photos

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